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31st Jan 2022

GB News actually interviewed a Churchill impersonator as though he were the man himself

Danny Jones

No, this is not a parody (well, it is)

In yet more alternative news content from GB News, presenters interviewed a Churchill impersonator as if he was the former prime minister himself.

During a segment on Sunday’s programme marking the 50th anniversary of the wartime PM’s funeral, presenters Anne Diamond and Stephen Dixon took to interviewing Stan Streather – aka ‘Winstan Churchill’ – not only in character but as if he were the man himself.


As you can see in the clip above, things get off to a slightly jarring start when Diamond cites people saying “if Churchill were in charge” before asking Streather “why do you think there is still so much admiration for you?”

No, we’re not joking and neither were they.

Streather responds by saying “I was the right man at the right moment”, before adding that “I don’t think I could probably survive in the current climate, although one would give it a go, of course”.

The trio go on to discuss the current “climate” at length, rather blatantly nodding towards political correctness, cancel culture and how much of Churchill’s legacy outside of the WWII cabinet would be called into question today.

They only briefly give up the gambit for a second to inform the audience of the impersonator’s real identity, just shortly after pretending that ‘Winston’ himself still has to have a “private detective” follow him around for protection.

Streather, who performs in local theatres and does lots of charity work in character, insists that his goal is to “keep his history alive, educate the next generation and give pleasure to the people who went through it.”

Besides from the discovery that Churchill is clearly still alive and well, perhaps the most incredible revelation to come out of the interview is that emblem of old England tradition – vape cigars, apparently. Who knew?

Just one normal day, GB News – that’s all we ask.

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