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10th Jul 2019

Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May accuse each other of leading racist parties at PMQs

The. Discourse. Is. Healthy.

Oli Dugmore

Things got a little spicy between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn in the House of Commons

In one of the most animated exchanges PMQs has seen in recent times, Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn went after each other in the House of Commons.

The leader of the Labour party was visibly rankled when the prime minister said it was laughable to call Corbyn a man of principle, before listing flip flops on Brexit, anti-Semitism and non disclosure agreements.


May said: “He is truly living up to the words of Marx: ‘Those are my principles and if you don’t like them, I’ve got others.’

“I know the right honourable gentleman is keen to get to the Despatch Box when the name Marx is identified. I was merely going to point out to him those were the words not of Karl but of Groucho.”

Corbyn responded with discernible emotion that prompted jeering from the Tory benches.

A rare moment of heat from Theresa May, something that these weekly arguments have lacked throughout her time at Downing Street.

It’s as if she’s relieved to no longer be in post.