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04th Jun 2022

Nadine Dorries in Twitter war over claims Boris Johnson was booed at Jubilee

Kieran Galpin

It’s giving: ‘He’s my mate, leave him alone’

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries has claimed that there were “far more cheers” than boos for Boris Johnson while he entered Jubilee celebrations.

Dorries, who is no stranger to Twitter beef, has once again infuriated followers after claiming that the Prime Minister was cheered during the Jubilee celebrations.

Clips from the Jubilee showed Johnson and his wife, Carrie Johnson, entering St Paul’s Cathedral to sounds of boos. While many took the clip as it came and understood that the British public wasn’t pleased with their fearless leader, Dorries seemingly had the sound off.

“There were far, far more cheers, but that doesn’t make a good headline does it,” she wrote on Twitter. “Queen’s thanksgiving service: Boos and jeers for Boris Johnson outside St Paul’s.”

Her post has, of course, received a great deal of attention.

“And far more boos than cheers doesn’t fit your narrative, does it! We see you, Nadine… we see you,” wrote one Brit.

Even The Times called her out. The Times.

Another pointed out: “Either she believes this and is severely deluded, or she doesn’t and she’s being deeply dishonest. Either way, it’s not exactly compatible with being a government minister.”

Others have highlighted how the government minister responsible for misinformation online is spreading misinformation online. Seriously, you can’t make this s**t up.

“Minister of media and culture, just making stuff up,” commented one user, while another said: “MISSING: Tory MP, last seen up Boris’s arse.”

ITV’s Royal editor, who was there on the day, wrote:” The facts are, and I was there, the boos were very loud indeed. No escaping that. Reporters are there to report. Not making stuff up.”

There you have it, Dorries was wrong, not that anyone thought she was right.

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