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13th Jun 2021

Difference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden encapsulated in one five second video

A video shared by Recount highlights the innate differences between former president Donald Trump and current president Joe Biden

Kieran Galpin

‘An idiot vs a leader’

President Joe Biden came into office at a strange time. He was sworn in amidst a pandemic during protests and riots that had the nation divided, and he followed an undoubtedly controversial President.  Things changed very quickly for America, with a recently surfaced video illustrating the extent of that change.

Biden is currently in Cornwall with other national leaders for the G7 summit. UK, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Canada, USA, and representatives from the EU and UN are currently in attendance.

A video shared by Recount highlights the innate differences between the 45th and 46th president.

On the left, a 2017 video from the NATO summit shows former President Trump pushing Dusko Markovic, the Prime Minister of Montenegro, in order to stand at the front.

In contrast, the video on the right shows President Biden walking alongside French President Emmanuel Macron. He walks arm in arm, surrounded by the other national leaders.

The video has been viewed over four million times and is proof that actions are always worth a thousand words. Poor President Markovic got an orange stain on his suit from President Cheeto, while Macron gets compassionate hugs.