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23rd Aug 2021

Trump booed after telling supporters to get Covid vaccine

Kieran Galpin

Trump takes on booing fans

In a bizarre turn of events on Saturday night, former President Donald Trump was booed during his own rally In Alabama for telling his hordes of hooligans to get the vaccine. Despite his continued rebuking of the pandemic in the past, sounds of booing erupted when Trump said: “I recommend taking the vaccines.”

The 45th US President, speaking at a rally in Cullman, Alabama, was met with booing for his support of the vaccine. Previously, on February 27 last year, Trump said: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle—it will disappear.”

Then, on July 4, he said: “99 per cent” of COVID-19 cases are “totally harmless.”

But in October, Trump was hospitalised himself.

“I believe totally in your freedoms,” Trump said. “I do, you’re free, you got to do what you have to do.

“But I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good, take the vaccines.”

Ahead of the Trump rally, local authorities in Alabama said they feared a super-spreader event.

According to, Luke Satterfield, an attorney for the city, said: “We want to prevent as many non-Covid related things as possible, so our hospital can use its resources to focus on the pandemic and its variants. We don’t want to put any extra strain on them.”

Cullman is one of the many areas in the US currently being ravaged by the Delta variant.

“That’s OK. That’s all right. That’s good, you got your freedoms,” Trump said as he listened to the wave of boos erupting from the crowd.

“But I happen to take the vaccine. If it doesn’t work, you’ll be the first to know. OK.”

85 per cent of hospitalised Covid-19 patients in the area were unvaccinated, reports The Guardian. Alabama is also seeing a surge in Covid cases among children, with the state this week having 50 children hospitalised with Covid-19.

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