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07th Mar 2022

Trump’s terrifyingly stupid idea to stop Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Kieran Galpin

Trump might have just out trumped himself

In a statement akin to his previous tone-deaf speeches, former President Donald Trump has suggested the US “bomb the s***’ out of Russia” under the guise of being China.

Amidst the launch of his own “free speech” app, Trump has accidentally argued against free speech with yet another awful hot take. Speaking to Republican donors in New Orleans on Saturday, the 45th president suggested branding F-22 jets with the Chinese flag and then go to “bomb the s*** out of Russia.”

He added: “[Then] we say – China did it, we didn’t do, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch.”

The comment naturally sparked laughter amongst his audience, believed to be around 250 donors.

Trump did, however, do a 360 degree turn on previous comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin being a “genius”, instead labelling the invasion as a “massive crime against humanity.”

He also doubled down on previous comments made about NATO, which he says is a “paper tiger.” Such comments seem similar to other far-right commentators, most notably Nigel Farage, who had previously blamed the West for Russia’s invasion.


People have been reacting to Trump’s statement on Twitter and most of them are wondering why a former world leader thinks painting a flag onto jets would even work.

“Who’s going to tell the stable genius that planes are not identified by flags?” questioned one person.

Others questioned how different that situation would be if Trump had stayed in office.

“Just imagine if THIS GUY was President during this Crisis. Scary Dude,” one user rightly pointed out.

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