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11th Feb 2022

The JOE Friday Pub Quiz: Week 281

Danny Jones

It is quiz day, my dudes…

TFIF, amirite!?

We’re back with another instalment of the JOE Friday Pub Quiz.

‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ – you’ve got the usual rounds, from general knowledge, sports and entertainment, to a couple of bonus rounds we change each week.

Let’s see how you fair this time around:

Share the quiz to show your results !

Just tell us who you are to view your results !

JOE Friday Pub Quiz Week 281 I got %%score%% of %%total%% right

And that’s it for another week. There are plenty of other quizzes to keep your teeth sharp until the next one and, for the time being, you’d do well to familiarise yourself with the rest of our content – it often pops up in trivia form on the Friday.

Consider a friendly tip from us fine folks here at JOE.

See you for more fun next week!

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