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13th Jul 2024

‘Pyramid’ discovered sitting beneath ice in Antarctica

Joseph Loftus

“Illuminati confirmed.”

Ooo boy, conspiracy theorists, grab your tin-foiled pointy hats, we’ve got business for you.

Last year, images and video footage went viral appearing to show pyramids hidden beneath the ice in Antartica, according to UNILAD.

The footage keeps popping up every few years and then dying down again before going viral again and subsequently going away. Now, the footage is back and people are asking the same things, what are pyramids doing in Antartica?

After images of the pyramids resurfaced this week, people began to share their theories for the structures.

Everyone has their own ideas, with one Twitter user suggesting: “This structure belongs to the civilization which existed before the flood. Around 10,000 years ago Antartica was warm.” Another commented: “illuminati confirmed.”

Other people pondered if the ice pyramid could be used by the ultra rich elite as fallout bunkers. What on earth could it be?

After rumours and claims about the structure began to circulate, Irvine geology professor Eric Rignot decided enough was enough and spoke with LiveScience to get to the truth of the matter and it’s a pretty obvious explanation folks.

Though the image definitely appears to show a pyramid, Rignot explained: “This is just a mountain that looks like a pyramid.”

Rignot continued: “Pyramid shapes are not impossible — many peaks partially look like pyramids, but they only have one to two faces like that, rarely four.”

That’s your lot. Not a pyramid. Not an alien constructed secret hideout. Not a nuclear bunker. Just a mountain covered in snow. Obviously.