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08th Jun 2021

Viral TikTok shows woman glue 7,700 pennies to her bathroom, missing out on potential fortune

Kieran Galpin

After spending sixteen hours glueing 7700 pennies to the floor, Jordan Darian may have just lost out on a hefty payday

Since the first lockdown, home renovation has become increasingly popular, with my people sharing their home transformations on social media. From simply painting cupboards, to completely knocking down walls, interior TikTok is a mecca of inspiration and awe.

Jordan Darian, who posted her bathroom renovation on TikTok, currently has over twenty million views. Darian had been renovating her home since moving in, with many commending Darian and her husband for making a live-in renovation work.

“The first year was an actual living nightmare but the labor of love was worth it and everyone tells us if we made it through a live-in renovation our marriage will stand the test of time, and I’d have to agree,” she said.

Darian has admitted that her mother served as inspiration for the idea, having talked about the renovation for some time.

“How many penny floors have you seen? I love fun decor and design surprises in a home.”

After laying down the penny base, she sealed them in with $300 worth of glue and a layer of resin. However, the plot thickens. An eagle-eyed fan pointed out that a particular coin might be worth quite a bit of money.

In 1996 one of the 1943 copper-alloy pennies sold for $82,500, but there was no confirmation if one had been ensealed in the resin.

“Since posting the video to TikTok I learned I may have made a very big mistake by not checking the pennies prior to permanently adhering them to my floor,” she admitted.

“I had no idea a penny could be so valuable, and there are at least eight wheat pennies, upside down, so we are unable to check the year.”

Would you be able to resist tearing up all your work for the chance of some quick money?