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17th Oct 2016

Adidas document Paul Pogba’s epic journey to superstardom in excellent new trailer


Matt Tate

There aren’t enough properly good football adverts these days.

We’re not talking about Joe Hart trying to flog you shampoo – no, we mean the football adverts that tell you cheesy, overblown stories and make you want to go and do bicycle kicks in the garden.

For a recent example, we’re immediately reminded of that incredible Nike Euro 2016 ad that saw a kid somehow body-swap with Cristiano Ronaldo. That’s the level of ridiculous drama we crave.

And we’re happy to report that adidas, arch enemy of the Nike swoosh, have just released their own new advert, and it ticks all the boxes.

As part of their #HereToCreate campaign, the world-famous brand with the 3-Stripes have focussed on Manchester United’s mega-money summer signing Paul Pogba.

He’s perhaps not made the explosive impact on his return to the Premier League that many anticipated, but Pogba’s journey is still a compelling one. In the video, we see him first as a child doing keepie uppies with melons and skinning people twice his size on concrete football pitches.

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The advert, entitled “Football Needs Creators”, follows the young prodigy through adolescence, his Juventus days, and closes out as we see the him become the world’s most expensive player with his move back to Old Trafford.

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Throughout the video people are constantly shouting the Frenchman’s name. Throw in suitably rousing music and you’ve got a bit of a classic.

And yes, there’s a dab or two in there.

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