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10th Feb 2019

Ainsley Maitland-Niles responds to to abusive Arsenal fans on Instagram

Arsenal midfielder Ainsley Maitland-Niles felt obliged to apologise to abusive fans on Instagram who had criticised his performance

Reuben Pinder

It’s a sorry state of affairs when players feel obliged to do this

Arsenal beat Huddersfield Town on Saturday, despite having less possession and managing few shots. It was an uncharacteristic win for Arsenal, who were second best in terms of creativity. But it was a win. Three points. Job done.

Although Arsenal fans, being Arsenal fans, still found reason to complain. Because that’s their thing. But this time they didn’t complain in the usual way, by venting to anyone who will listen in the pub or the world’s virtual pub: Twitter. They – and I should clarify this is a small group of absolute morons – decided to vent their frustration by leaving nasty comments in Ainsley Maitland-Niles’ Instagram page.

Now, this is something that all high profile footballers have to deal with. Idiots are everywhere, especially on social media. We know that, but it leaves a bitter taste when fans are targeting one of the youngest, least experienced members of the team.

Bear in mind that Maitland-Niles is one of the brightest talents at the club and was playing out of position at right wing-back. What on earth goes through people’s minds to think that telling him he’s played badly is a good idea? He knows that. You’re just being a dick.

Anyway, his response may encourage the trolls to reconsider leaving such comments next time, as he politely apologised for his sub-par performance against Huddersfield, promising to try to do better next time.

Bless him. He shouldn’t have to do this.