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09th Jul 2017

Alan Shearer trolls Manchester United after Romelu Lukaku’s comment

He clearly doesn't agree with the Belgian forward

Darragh Murphy

It’s safe to say that Alan Shearer doesn’t think Manchester United is the biggest club in the world.

Romelu Lukaku’s first interview since the Red Devils agreed a deal with Everton for the 24-year-old has prompted plenty of reaction after he suggested a bigger club than United simply doesn’t exist.

Chief among the criticisms of that comment is the fact that, three years earlier, Lukaku had stated his belief that Chelsea were the biggest club in England.

We’ve done our research and found that England is indeed a part of the world so the forward’s recent statement doesn’t really hold water.

So which is it, Romelu? Are United the biggest club in the world or is it Chelsea?

If you ask Shearer, it’s neither.

The Newcastle United legend took to Twitter to respond to Lukaku’s rhetorical question.

In 1997, Barcelona reportedly bid £20 million for Shearer but, unwilling to uproot his family, the striker turned down the opportunity.

Shearer also rejected the chance to move to Old Trafford but he is in no doubt about which of his two former suitors is the bigger club.

Sir Alex Ferguson has admitted that the former England international is one of few players that he regrets not signing.

“Alan Shearer is one I wish I’d signed, but for me the most disappointing of all was Paul Gascoigne,” Ferguson said.