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09th Oct 2018

West Ham winger Andriy Yarmolenko calls out Ukrainian pundit for fight

Wayne Farry

Imagine Andros Townsend challenging Paul Merson to a fight

It would be very funny. You can imagine it now, Merson says something unusually uninformed about the winger’s performances on the television and a furious Townsend takes massive offence. It would be box office, and very funny.

Now imagine West Ham United’s Andriy Yarmolenko challenging a Ukrainian pundit to a fight. Yeah, got it? Well you don’t have to imagine it because it has actually happened.

The former Borussia Dortmund man was disappointing during West Ham‘s 1-0 defeat and was subsequently criticised by Ukrainian pundit Wladimir Kobelkov.

Rather than simply accept the criticism, Yarmolenko – who has enjoyed a promising start to his Premier League career – decided to instead call the fella out for a fight, presumably for a Queensberry rules bout.

Yarmolenko then bigged up his fighting credentials by telling everyone how many fights he had taken part in as a child.

“In my youth, I fought a lot,” said Yarmolenko to Ukrainian television channel Xsport. “There were wins and there were losses. It’s normal for a boy, for a man.”

“I want to announce my next fight. I don’t want to listen to that Kobelkov any longer. I want to call him out for a fight and get my revenge on all those things he’s said on air. I’m waiting for an answer.”

So, in summation, we want this fight to happen and we want to watch it.