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09th Jun 2017

Arsenal fans spoiled their votes in the most predictable way possible

Paul Moore


Despite the fact that Theresa May is travelling to Buckingham Palace with a view to forming a new government, there’s no denying that the Prime Minister is in the firing line after her decision to call a snap election greatly backfired.

Given the pressure that May has been under, it’s likely that Arsene Wenger might be somewhat sympathetic as he has also faced intense scrutiny, protests and calls for his resignation.

It came as now surprise that Jeremy Corbyn increased his majority in North Islington by 10,430 votes, and it’s arguable that the Labour leader currently more support in North London than Arsene Wenger.

Heck, he might be the most popular Arsenal fan in the UK right now.

Despite the fact that the Frenchman has signed a new deal at the Emirates, we’re certain that this won’t stop the ‘Wenger Out‘ brigade from making their voices heard.

Granted, given that we live in a democracy,  a spoiled vote is just as relevant as one that’s registered, but we guarantee that this form of protest wouldn’t have taken place if Lord Buckethead of Mr Fishfinger were on the ballot.

Take a look.