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07th Dec 2015

Bastian Schweinsteiger’s stray elbow adds to Louis van Gaal’s woes

Oh dear

Kevin McGillicuddy

Louis van Gaal must have run over a black cat while walking under a ladder and at the same time carrying a cracked mirror.

There seems no other way to try and explain how the Dutchman is suffering such cruel injury luck at Manchester United, and now his woes have been even further exacerbated by news of a possible ban for one of his key midfielders.

This evening Bastian Schweinsteiger was charged by the FA after being allegedly involved in an incident with Winston Reid on Saturday in the 0-0 draw with West Ham.

The incident wasn’t picked up by officials at the time, but if found guilty the former Bayern Munich man could face a three match ban.

Manchester United confirmed the charge on their website this evening,

‘The matter was referred to a panel of three former elite referees who each reviewed the video footage independently of one another to determine whether they considered it a sending-off offence.

‘For an FA charge to follow the decision by the panel must be unanimous.

‘The player has until 12 noon on Thursday 10 December 2015 to reply to the charge.’