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06th Apr 2016

Liverpool fans just don’t know how to react to Borussia Dortmund’s half and half scarf

Can we make an exception?

Simon Lloyd

Borussia Dortmund might well be one of the coolest football clubs on the planet, but does that make this okay?

As far as most football fans are concerned (us included), the idea of pledging your allegiance to specific team means exactly that – you support *one* team. Yet for some reason, it’s become fashionable amongst many football fans to proudly drape a scarf around your neck that is 50% in the colours of a rival team.

We’ve seen countless examples already this season, and now it seems that Borussia Dortmund are jumping on the bandwagon.

Ahead of their Europa League meeting with Liverpool, the German giants have produced a commemorative scarf to mark the occasion…

Although supports of other clubs will be quick to condemn the scarf, Liverpool fans genuinely seem torn as to whether it is acceptable on this occasion or not.

So, can we make an exception on this occasion? Let us know what you think by sending us an email at or by sending us a message on our Facebook page.