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26th Sep 2016

Chris Smalling reveals how Jose Mourinho’s pre-match speech inspired victory over Leicester City

It seemed to work...

Robert Redmond

It seemed to work.

Wayne Rooney’s poor form was the main talking point ahead of Manchester United’s game against Leicester City last Saturday, but Jose Mourinho was also coming under serious scrutiny.

The United manager’s tactics, team selection and ability to motivate players were all questioned following three defeats in eight days, the first time Mourinho had lost three successive games in a season.

The 4-1 win over Leicester doesn’t automatically signal the return of the Mourinho of old, but the ruthless dispatch of the Premier League champions had shades of Mourinho teams in the past, and it appears the United manager has somewhat rediscovered his ability to motivate players.

Chris Smalling offered insight into Mourinho’s pre-match message, which focused on the players embracing the occasion and the chance to play in front of a massive crowd.

“The boss really wanted to get the enjoyment factor across,” Smalling said.

“He stressed how there is 70-odd thousand people in the stands who want to be in our shoes and in his shoes. It’s a case of realising how lucky we are and how we should go out there and enjoy it. You can see that everyone did enjoy it and the message clearly did get across.”

Manchester United v Leicester City - Premier League

Smalling, who scored United’s opening goal against Leicester, also offered a defence of the club’s captain, who was dropped to the bench for the game.

According to the defender, Rooney was “the most vocal in the dressing room” ahead of the game against the Foxes.

“He is our captain, he is one of our main players and there is no doubt that he has got a big part to play,” Smalling told United’s official website.

“He is often the most vocal in the dressing room and he was the same today. Regardless of the situation, whether he is on the bench or playing, he is always the same character and that is why he is England’s main man and our main man.

“I think he is a very experienced guy and he has played that many games it is only a matter of time before he is back in there and firing again because he is quality.”

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