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01st Oct 2021

QUIZ: Can you guess which FIFA games these songs were on?

Callum Boyle

Have a little boogie to these tunes whilst you do this quiz

Happy FIFA 22 release day folks! Here’s to another year of raging at Ultimate Team, ranting about the EA servers going down and trying to think of the worst name possible for your pro clubs teams, all the while listening to some absolute bangers.

However much we moan about losing on the game, we always have a good time when listening to the FIFA soundtrack, which is easily one of the most exciting parts about the game.

Without it we might not have discovered the likes of Imagine Dragons and Tom Grennan, or even been able to sing along to iconic tracks like ‘The Big Bang’ by Rock Mafia while trying to take Carlisle United to Champions League glory on career mode.

We all love most of the songs, but how well do you actually know them?

Are you that keen of a FIFA enthusiast that you can say exactly which FIFA game that song was on? Well, now it’s time for you to put all your days of playing this game to the test.

So pull up a chair, put on your favourite (FIFA) playlist and have a go at this quiz. Also go and check out our 10 best FIFA songs of all time whilst you’re here. No doubt that will cause controversy.

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FIFA SOUNDTRACK QUIZ I got %%score%% of %%total%% right