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05th Jul 2017

Floyd Mayweather’s father doesn’t even know Conor McGregor’s name

Close but no cigar

Darragh Murphy

Who is this Conor McGregory?

Floyd Mayweather Jr. is well aware of the drawing power of Conor McGregor because ‘Money’ was only ever going to come out of retirement for a superstar and, in 2017, no greater name exists in combat sports than that of ‘The Notorious’.

McGregor, and his way with words, has played a huge role in dragging mixed martial arts into the mainstream and it was his position as the UFC’s poster boy that prompted WME-IMG to fork out $4 billion for the world’s preeminent MMA organisation last summer.

The Irishman has also given all MMA fighters something to aspire to in terms of potential earnings because on more than one occasion last year, he broke the record for UFC disclosed payouts.

In many ways, McGregor has done for MMA what Mayweather has done for boxing. And they’re on a collision course for one another.

But while the 49-0 great understands what McGregor brings to the table in terms of a hardcore fanbase and an ability to sell a fight, it would seem like his father has not done much research on the Dubliner.

Floyd Mayweather Sr. will be watching on from the ring apron for large portions of his son’s training camp leading up to August 26 but he could maybe do with brushing up on the man that Floyd Jr. is preparing for.

During a recent interview with Helen Yee, Floyd Sr. repeatedly referred to his son’s opponent as “Conor McGregory” as he promised that we could expect a beating to be put on the outspoken UFC star.

“I can tell you right now, Floyd is what you call ‘the master of the game’ and it’s something that Conor McGregory can’t do,” Floyd Sr. said.

“Whether Floyd stops him or not doesn’t make a difference to me. As long as Floyd beats the hell out of him. That’s pretty much what I believe is going to happen.

“I don’t think there are too many things he can do to stop Floyd from doing what he’s going to do because what Floyd does, he does very well.

“I don’t think that Conor McGregory… we’re going to make it so that he can’t spell or anything like that [after the fight]. We’re going to put him in a bad position.”