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20th Jun 2021

England and Scotland fans flimed fighting after “we hate Scotland” chants

Danny Jones

A scuffle broke out after some England fans seemingly started the chant. Sun, suds and a bit o’ soccer – always going to happen

A video of England and Scotland fans fighting on a London street is doing the rounds on social media, serving as a timely reminder that, one: the average football fan is absolutely naff in a scrap and two, for plenty of people, there still isn’t much love lost between the two nations.

As you can see in the clip below, it’s hard to decipher which set of fans initiates the confrontation but you can clearly hear the England fans singing “we hate Scotland!” and the Scots answering back in kind. After which, it only takes a push or two (and a fair few shandies in the system, no doubt, for both groups to start swinging.

The fight is ultimately broken up by one canny lad in a kilt but this was by no means the only altercations both before and after England and Scotland’s match this past Friday.

According to the London Metropolitan police, at least 20,000 Scots travelled down to Wembley and the city of London to watch the game, with around 30 arrests being made.

The majority of arrests were apparently made around Wembley Stadium and around the centre of the capital. Scotland Yard said, “13 arrests were for public order offences, six for drunk and disorderly, four for assault on police, three for assault, two related to class A drugs and one each for breaching a dispersal order and breaching a banning order.”

Lads, there was plenty of fight shown between both teams out on the pitch, let’s leave it there. Tournament football is a special thing and before you know it, Euro 2020, so let’s enjoy it safely and sensibly.

It’s very likely only one of us is making it out of Group D – may the best team win.