Brought to you by Paddy Power
The football season is over, and already most of us are eagerly counting down the days until the start of the World Cup.
The action in Russia starts on June 14, but another international football tournament is already underway much closer to home.
The Paddy Power CONIFA World Football Cup – the third edition of the international football tournament for states, minorities, stateless peoples and regions unaffiliated with FIFA – started in London on May 31.
If you fancy going along to one of the games, you can find out more information about them here. Before you do, though, you might want to have a think about which of the teams you’re going to be backing for CONIFA glory…
To help you do exactly that, we’ve thrown together a special personality quiz which will help you identify which team best matches you as a person. 10 questions – some admittedly very random – and you’ll be matched up with one of the teams taking part. It’s that easy. Off you go…
For more information visit