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21st Feb 2018

Did you spot these very NSFW subtitles on the TV coverage of Chelsea v Barcelona?

We know Barcelona play some sexy football, but this is ridiculous

Tony Cuddihy

We know Barcelona play some sexy football, but this is ridiculous.

Subtitling is a very, very, very difficult job, and it’s tougher again when you’re covering live sport.

Don’t believe us? Read this piece from the Radio Times on why subtitlers have one of the hardest and most thankless jobs in television.

For that reason, we feel more than sorry for the unfortunate soul whose words were clearly misinterpreted by technology during Tuesday night’s clash between Chelsea and Barcelona.

We’re guessing here, but we reckon the subtitler must have said something as simple as “Iniesta to Rakitic”, only for the computer system to turn it into “…staring at her tits. I fancy her.”

Deary me.

Chelsea subtitles

Thanks to JOE reader Ian Moylan for spotting this and sending this our way.Â