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18th Nov 2022

FootballJOE’s 2022 Fifa World Cup Hub: The latest updates from Qatar

Simon Lloyd

So. It really is happening then…

The 2022 World Cup in Qatar(!) is very, very nearly upon us. Two days. Two.

After last week was dominated by who had and hadn’t made the cut for the various teams competing, this week looks set to be… well, almost completely overshadowed by Cristiano Ronaldo and Piers Morgan. Great.

That may not be a bad thing for the organisers though. Anything to take the focus of the Fyre festival-like attempts at accommodation or latest controversy over banning beer at the eleventh hour.

From team news to reaction to everything else, we’ll be dumping all the important stuff you need to know in one place: right below. You’re very welcome.

World Cup quizzes

Bored? Good. Here’s a few things to occupy your football-obsessed brains: