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09th Sep 2015

Former club confirm that Schweinsteiger cost Man United mere peanuts…

Cheap as Frites...


Manchester United have been accused of wasting money of late, but arguably their most important signing of the summer has been confirmed as a bona fide bargain.

At the time of the sensational capture of Bayern Munich captain Bastian Schweinsteiger, it was rumoured that United coughed up in the region of €20m for the 31-year-old German legend.

But his first club, TSV 1860 Rosenheim, have now revealed that his actual cost was only a fraction of that amount.


“The transfer fee adds up to €9 million,” the club confirmed on their website. That translates to a paltry £6m – or the cost of Anthony Martial’s left ear.

As well as United bagging a relative bargain, the deal is also good news for fifth-tier Rosenheim, who have pocketed €38,000 of the transfer fee.