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16th Dec 2021

Four more Premier League matches postponed due to Covid

Daniel Brown

More Premier League matches have been postponed due to covid

The Premier League have announced that four additional matches have been postponed due to coronavirus.

It comes after Manchester United’s fixture against Brighton & Hove Albion on Saturday was called off earlier today.

The postponed matches are:

Southampton v Brentford, Saturday, 18 December 15:00
Watford v Crystal Palace, Saturday, 18 December 15:00
West Ham United v Norwich City, Saturday, 18 December 15:00
Everton v Leicester City, Sunday, 19 December 12:00

The league announced that all other fixtures due to be played this weekend are currently scheduled to go ahead as planned.

Discussing the postponed fixtures, the Premier League provided an explanation for why the matches had been cancelled.

It read: “Brentford FC have an ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. This has resulted in their training ground being closed which means they are unable to prepare for Saturday’s match.

“Watford FC also continue to have an ongoing outbreak, resulting in their training ground being closed, and have an insufficient number of players available to fulfil their match.

“Norwich City FC have an insufficient number of players available to fulfil their match due to COVID-19, injuries and other illnesses.

“Leicester City FC have a COVID-19 outbreak within the squad which has left the club with an insufficient number of players available to fulfil the match. The club’s first-team training ground was closed this morning to help contain the outbreak.”

As it stands, just Aston Villa against Burnley, Leeds against Arsenal, Wolves against Chelsea, Newcastle against Manchester City and Spurs’ home time against Liverpool are set to be played this weekend.

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