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27th Jun 2016

Gary Lineker’s tweets sum up how a nation feels on embarrassing night for English football

Simon Lloyd

Never mind Joe Hart’s wrists being as solid as Easter egg chocolate, the performance of the entire team against Iceland was pretty shambolic.

Passes went askew, chances were few and fair between and when they did arrive, they were weak and poor.

Put simply, they deserve to go out to Iceland – a country with a population the same as Leicester.

And speaking of Leicester, the tweets of Gary Lineker – one of its favourite sons – summed up the thoughts of every Englishman as their national football team recorded one of the most embarrassing results in its history.

It started seconds after Iceland’s equaliser, scored so soon after Wayne Rooney’s fourth minute penalty that he didn’t have a chance to acknowledge England’s one bright point in a dismal night.

And when they went behind…

He followed this with a Brexit gag…

But this really wasn’t much of a laughing matter for England supporters – supporters that had expected to see Jamie Vardy make an entry much sooner than he did. Eventually he did make an appearance.

At least most of us can switch the telly off and go to bed. Not Gary…

And at full-time came this…

Spot on. And to think that some of us thought we had a chance of winning the whole thing?