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24th Oct 2016

Gary Neville burns Liverpool, gets burned by Carragher and receives abuse for both

You've got to know when to fold 'em, Gary

Ben Kiely

If Jamie Carragher’s intention was to goad Gary Neville into bringing more Twitter abuse onto himself, he can consider it a successful night’s work.

Apologies for throwing salt into a fresh wound, Red Devils, but just in case anyone reading this hasn’t already heard, Manchester United were annihilated 4-0 by Chelsea on Sunday in one of the most one-sided matches you’ll ever see.

It must have been a tough one to take for former United defender Neville, but Carragher didn’t turn down the opportunity to kick him while he was down.

On Sunday night, Carragher showed an utter lack of compassion as he tweeted his glee over the result in Stamford Bridge. He also cruelly attached a selfie of Neville wearing a motorbike helmet looking like a deer caught in headlights.

Unsurprisingly, Carragher’s hordes of followers had an absolute field day over the selfie as they sent a bombardment of zingers back at Neville’s expense.

The following morning, Neville had a pop at Liverpool. 

Admittedly it was a decent joke, if not a bit hackneyed. You might expect his Manchester United following to get behind him on this, but it appears he fell victim to poor timing in this instance.

Considering it came the day after United suffered a heavy defeat (apologies again, last time in this piece, I promise), people naturally assumed he tweeted it out as a result of being bitter. They didn’t mind calling him out on it either.

It’s important to note that Carragher didn’t emerge from this unscathed, but the lion’s share of the interactions went to the tweets roasting Neville. For the sake of balance, here’s one burning Carragher.

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