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23rd Jan 2019

Gerwyn Price fined £21,500 and receives suspended three-month ban for Grand Slam antics

Price has also been punished for his behaviour in the quarter-final and his posts on social media

Darragh Murphy

Gerwyn Price has been handed his punishment for his antics against Gary Anderson in the Grand Slam of Darts final

Price’s provocations in November’s final “drew an unprecedented number of complaints from members of the public” according to a statement from the Darts Regulation Authority on Wednesday.

Price and Anderson clashed on a couple of occasions in a feisty decider which was ultimately won by the Welshman but the confrontations, rather than the darts, ended up dominating the headlines.

Anderson took umbrage with Price’s slow play and aggressive celebrations before physical contact was made between the players towards the end of one of the most controversial matches in recent memory.

Price has now been fined a grand total of £21,500 and given a suspended three-month ban for his behaviour, while Anderson has received a formal warning.

Price was fined £12,000 for his antics against Anderson and £1,500 for his social media posts that were deleted quickly after they were published while he has also been hit with a £8,000 fine for his behaviour in the tournament’s quarter-final against Simon Whitlock.

Wednesday’s statement reads: “The Committee found that Mr Price had brought the sport into disrepute by his actions and that they amounted to gamesmanship in his matches with Mr Whitlock and Mr Anderson. Mr Price’s actions were very serious and went beyond what was acceptable in his celebrations and he was overly aggressive in his behaviour in his matches. It was decided that his actions were a cynical attempt to put off his opponents to gain him an advantage.”

Both players have 14 days to appeal the decision of the Tribunal.