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07th Dec 2016

Gianni Infantino has stumbled upon a brilliantly stupid way to save the World Cup

It's so ridiculous it can't *not* work.

Tom Victor

Say what you want about Gianni Infantino – no, seriously, he can’t hear you from all the way over there in Switzerland.

The new FIFA president has set about revamping the World Cup in an effort to prove it is possible to fix something that isn’t broken.

Back in 2014, we enjoyed what many feel was one of the best group stages in recent memory, before a comparatively underwhelming series of knockout games.

Infantino’s approach, therefore, has been to keep the bit that went badly and change the bit that was a success.

The eight groups of four teams approach seemed to be fine, but things get trickier if you want more than 32 teams in the competition.

Step forward Mr Infantino.

The suggestion has been met with what we can generously describe as a ‘poor’ reception from all corners.

But wait, hang on a second. Could this idea actually be the precursor to something…dare we say it…good?

No, we don’t for a minute think those involved have properly thought it all through. However, what if this leads to that lightbulb moment we were all after?

That’s right, we’re talking about three-sided football.

Thirty-three players on a triangular pitch. Three goals. Nine substitutes. Absolute mayhem.

It would be many things, but boring isn’t one of them.

In fact, while we’re at it, how about…

If you’re thinking ‘not enough major international tournaments have rush goalies’, you’re right.

Now it’s just a case of getting back to Fifa with the specifics, and slipping in a leaflet about hockey penalties somewhere towards the back.

You know it makes sense.

Catch up with this week’s episode of Football Friday Live