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17th Sep 2015

Google analytics shows the most popular rugby teams worldwide…and it’s definitely not England

Kevin Beirne

Teams from all over the world have gathered in Britain to fight it out for the Rugby World Cup over the next seven weeks – but who is the most popular?

While the home nations are getting behind their teams, it’s interesting to know that the rest of the world thinks about us.

Well, Google have come to our aid and released data showing the most searched rugby teams in the world, with a breakdown of each country.

Amazingly, none of the British teams are the most popular team in the UK, as New Zealand edge out Ireland for the top spot. The All Blacks dominate the rest of the world too, also claiming the most searched tag in Australia, Italy and Japan.

England don’t appear to be the most searched team in any country in the world – although they do prove popular as a second favourite in many countries.

The Welsh find themselves surprisingly popular in Somalia, while Scotland are top dogs in Afghanistan and Iceland.

Ireland are one of the few countries to resist the tide of the All Blacks, and also gain the support of Bulgaria and Myanmar.

South Africa dominate southern Africa while Argentina control parts of South America.