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20th May 2015

“Hello! Hello! Pay attention to the manager!” – Van Gaal’s incredible stand-up act

There are no words...

Nooruddean Choudry

Louis van Gaal brought the house down with a sensational speech at the Manchester United Player of the Year Awards on Tuesday night.

The charismatic Dutchman was on top form, with a rant that will go down in footballing folklore.

It had everything – a short history of the season, the fuzzy logic that United were very close to winning the league, growling roars of excitement – and even an encore about a female saxophonist.

Poor hosts Jim Rosenthal and Hayley McQueen looked bemused as a clearly ‘merry’ Van Gaal prowled around the stage like a cross between Johnny Vegas, jumpsuit-era Elvis Presley and Boris Yeltsin.

The signs of his brilliant barminess were there early on when he gave Ryan Giggs a clip round the earhole for bidding against him in a charity auction…

The whole eight and a half minute comedy act has to be seen to be believed, but trust us – it’s remarkable viewing.

God bless Louis. You magnificent b*stard, you…