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09th Aug 2018

Jack Grealish’s brother involved in hilarious argument with Spurs fan over transfer rumours

Jack Grealish's proposed transfer to Spurs is causing lots of debate, most notably between the player's brother and a Spurs fan

Wayne Farry

Jack Grealish, the man of the moment

Well, Jack Grealish is the man of some moments anyway. What’s going on? Is he staying at Aston Villa or is he leaving for Tottenham Hotspur? These are the questions on the lips of Villa and Spurs fans all across this land.

The answer will become abundantly clear once the transfer window shuts, leaving Grealish either locked out like, banging on the pane of glass in vain for months on end like a wasp trying to enter your house, or safely inside having slid underneath the slowly closing door like a sort of Jersey Shore version of Indiana Jones.

Both of these things are possible, but one thing that is certain is that if anyone knows what will happen, or at the very least has a better idea than most, it’s Grealish, his agent and his family.

Unfortunately, that is not an opinion shared by one Spurs fan – known on Twitter as @HerculesCOYS – who, judging by a recent Twitter argument he took part in, seems to believe that his sources are far more accurate than someone who shares the same blood as Mr. Grealish.

The argument, or “spat” as we are legally obliged to refer to it because it happened on social media, began when Grealish’s brother Kevan quoted a story from the Mirror about Jack being “gutted” over the fact that he has been denied a move to White Hart Lane.

He described it as “complete and utter rubbish”, at which point Hercules (not sure if that is his real name in truth) say that it’s his word against Kevan’s and – this is so beautiful – that he “KNOWS” that his sources are correct.

Honestly, it’s just stunning. It’s Twitter at its best and a proper microcosm of football fans believing against all else that they know best, even better than the brother of the person they’re talking rubbish about.