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26th Apr 2019

Man thanks Jack Grealish instead of wife during wedding speech

Wayne Farry

A beautiful speech to the one he loves

Weddings are a special occasion. They are the formal seal of a bond between two people that love each other and represent an opportunity for those people to share their love with their nearest and dearest.

One of the highlights of a wedding is undoubtedly the speeches. The groom’s speech in particular is a lovely chance for guests to get a window into a beautiful relationship, namely the relationship between the groom and his famous footballer.

This isn’t always the case, admittedly, but it was at the recent nuptials of one Aston Villa supporter, who used his groom’s speech to express his undying love for none other than Jack Grealish.

“I think that’s everyone I want to say thanks to, nobody else really matters,” said the groom to laughing guests after completing the majority of his speech.

“I’m only joking, I’m only joking,” he adds, presumably to the relief of his new bride. “There’s one person I’d like to thank.

“I’d be the first to admit that a couple of years ago I was stuck in a rut and I did wonder what the future held. My anxiety was at an all-time high, but thankfully one person has changed this. Ladies and gentlemen, Jack Grealish for making me believe we can get back to the Premiership,” he says to scores of laughter, including his wife, though to be honest she really wasn’t laughing as hard as everyone else.

Can’t really blame her.

To be fair to the groom, Grealish is in stellar form currently and has helped Aston Villa as they have surged back into the play-off spots on a 10-game winning run ahead of their crucial Championship match with Leeds United on Saturday.