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12th Jun 2016

Jamie Vardy’s wife claims she was tear-gassed in Marseille

"Treated like animals"

Simon Lloyd

The trouble seen in Marseille over the last couple of days was the result of a small minority.

Unfortunately, as police used tear gas in an attempt to restore something resembling order, many completely innocent football supporters were caught up in the trouble.

Rebekah Vardy, wife of England striker Jamie, shared her experiences via her Twitter account, suggesting that French police tear-gassed some supporters without reason.

With Piers Morgan replying to her original tweet, Mrs Vardy responded by explaining how she found herself, along with other fans, unable to escape the tear gas.

UEFA announced on Sunday that they would consider disqualifying England and Russia from the tournament if trouble continues. This follows more violence, reportedly all from Russian supporters, in the Stade Velodrome on Saturday night.

Video footage showed Russian supporters charging at England fans in the moments after the final whistle, and a flare gun was also fired from the part of the stadium where Russia supporters were seated into another stand holding England supporters.

“The UEFA Executive Committee has warned both football associations that – irrespective of any decisions taken by the independent disciplinary bodies relating to incidents inside the stadium – it will not hesitate to impose additional sanctions …including the potential disqualification of their respective teams from the tournament, should such violence occur again,” UEFA said in a statement.