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17th Aug 2015

Japanese football team honours Nagasaki victims with ‘Pray for Peace’ kit

Tom Victor

Some 70 years on from one of the biggest tragedies of the Second World War, a Japanese football club are demonstrating their commitment to peace with a commemorative kit.

The cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima were hit by nuclear attacks in 1945, and second-tier club V-Varen Nagasaki have paid tribute to the victims with a ‘Pray for Peace’ kit, launched with manufacturer Hummel.

The design combines the city’s famous peace statue, unveiled by sculptor Seibo Kitamura in 1955, alongside an origami crane.

“I think playing with this uniform is very significant,” said head coach Takuya Takagi, a former striker who scored 27 goals for the Japanese national team.

“However, the more important thing I felt is that we can play football, and that many supporters can come to the stadium to enjoy football.”

Photo credit: Hummel