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26th Mar 2021

Jarrod Bowen apologises for “unacceptable” racist tweet from 2012

Simon Lloyd

“I wish to apologise unreservedly for the unacceptable content of that post”

West Ham’s Jarrod Bowen has apologised for the “unacceptable content” of a tweet he sent in 2012 which featured a racist term.

Bowen was 15 at the time the tweet, which has now been deleted from his account, was published.

It read: ‘That one friend that thinks their (sic) black #N*****please.’

After the old  tweet came to light, Bowen issued an apology on Friday morning.

“In 2012, when I was a 15-year-old kid, I posted an offensive and immature tweet,” the 24-year-old said.

“I wish to apologise unreservedly for the unacceptable content of that post, especially to all connected with West Ham United.

“This is not an example I wish to set and it certainly does not portray the values and principles that I hold.”

West Ham confirmed in a statement that they had already discussed the matter with Bowen and are dealing with it internally.

Their statement said: “Equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of West Ham United, and our zero-tolerance approach to any form of discrimination is embedded across the club.

“The club takes matters of this nature extremely seriously.

“In regard to the tweet from 2012, we have spoken to Jarrod and he is aware of the club’s unequivocal stance in this area.

“He fully understands the requirements and responsibility upon him to always act in line with the club’s values.

“This will be dealt with internally.”

The FA have since confirmed they are investigating the tweet, with the winger facing potential retrospective action if he is considered to have been a participant in the game at the time.

Bowen came through the youth ranks at Hereford United, eventually breaking into the first team. He would have been a part of the club’s academy at the time the tweet was sent.
