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21st Sep 2020

Jose Mourinho interrupts Son interview to say he shouldn’t have won MOTM

Wayne Farry


Spurs had a good day on Sunday

After the disaster that was Tottenham Hotspur’s opening day defeat to Everton, Jose Mourinho’s side needed some positivity in their second match of the season away to Southampton.

Thankfully, they got some in the form of an absolute demolition job of the Saints courtesy mostly of forwards Son Heung-min and Harry Kane.

The South Korean scored four goals in the match, each of which was assisted by Kane, who in turn scored the fifth after an Erik Lamela shot was knocked onto the post by goalkeeper Alex McCarthy.

Most broadcasters understandably named Son as man of the match because, let’s face it, how often does someone score four goals in a single match? Not very often is the answer.

But Jose Mourinho is not a broadcaster, he is a manager. He is also something of a rabble rouser, a contrarian, and when he spotted Son being interviewed post-match, he just couldn’t help himself from interrupting with his own opinion of who the man of the match should’ve been.

So he wandered over and uttered five simple words: “Man of the match – Harry Kane.”

To which Son, being the nicest man on the planet Earth, replied “Yes, I would say that”.

Whether Jose will remain in such good humour remains to be seen as the season progresses, but it’s nice to see him with a smile on his face for now.