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16th Oct 2018

Alexandre Lacazette says “there’s a better atmosphere in French stadiums”

Wayne Farry

He clearly misses home

France is a wonderful country. It has nice weather, great wine, gorgeous food, music, poetry and literature. All of these things are massive positives. Apparently, it also has football crowds which are better than those in England.

These aren’t my words, these are the words of Arsenal striker Alexandre Lacazette, who moved to the Emirates prior to the 2017/18 season from Ligue 1 club Olympique Lyonnais.

The 27-year-old was a phenom at Lyon and while he has not quite reached those heights for Arsenal, recent signs suggest that he is very near to getting back to his very best.

He seems happy with his team, has a sometimes telepathic connection with forward partner Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, and has both the pace and technique to prosper in the Premier League.

Despite this, Lacazette has a few thoughts on where English football can improve compared to its French cousins, most notably when it comes to supporters.

Speaking to Le Progres during a visit back home, Lacazette said: “I miss Ligue 1’s atmosphere. In England, the fans are more spectators than supporters. There’s a better atmosphere in French stadiums.”

Whether or not Lacazette is making a pointed remark towards Arsenal fans or a more general one towards supporters in England is as yet unknown, though if the former, it is not the first time that comments have been  made about the atmosphere – or lack there of – at the Emirates stadium.