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24th Jul 2016

Lionel Messi has gone all Phil Jones with his jazzy new hair style

Everyone wants the Phil Jones look...


Phil Jones may not ever become the greatest player in Manchester United’s history – as Alex Ferguson predicted – but the defender is a trend setter.

Jones wasn’t the first footballer to dye his hair blonde, but everyone knows he legitimised the look for footballers everywhere, and has clearly had an impact on Lionel Messi.

It’s also possible Messi has never heard of Phil Jones, and wasn’t in any way influenced by the United defender, but we’d like to think Messi’s new hairstyle is a direct effect of Jones’ new look.

The Barcelona forward showed off his new hair on Instagram.

Fans over in Ireland might get to see Messi’s new do in the flesh. The 29-year-old is due to join up with Barcelona’s squad and begin pre-season training on Monday.

The La Liga side will play Celtic at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin on Saturday, and were due to rest a number of first-team players. However, with Messi due to link-up with the squad, he could be in attendance in Dublin 4 next week.

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Lionel Messi