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08th Sep 2016

Lionel Messi’s dog has become fucking massive seemingly overnight

It's absolutely huge now

Tom Victor

Remember when Lionel Messi got a new dog eight months ago.

The Barcelona star shared a photo of himself with the pup, holding it on his lap in one sleeve-tattooed arm.

People called it cute. They called it sweet. They called it beautiful. It was a simpler time.

Like any top footballer worth his salt (yes, we’re looking at you, Alexis and Mesut), Messi has kept fans abreast of the canine’s progress.

But the updates aren’t quite as regular as those of Arsenal’s Alexis Sanchez, who has a separate Instagram page dedicated to Atom & Humber.

That means we go from the photo above, through to this in early August.

And now this

Either that’s a trick of the light, or that dog has eaten another dog.

Seriously, when did it get so huge?

Now, maybe we shouldn’t be too surprised at something like this when Messi is involved.

The Argentine was, of course, given medical treatment for a growth hormone deficiency after signing for Barcelona.

We’re not suggesting he’s done the same for his pet, but it’s fair to say he knows a thing or two about going from being tiny to being less tiny.

In fact, hold on a minute, I’ve just remembered Darron Gibson’s dog.

Exhibit A

And exhibit B

Do footballers have access to a race of super-dogs which are just generally better than the ones us mere mortals are allowed?

No complaints from us if they do. They’ve earned it.

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