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03rd Dec 2018

Lokomotiv Moscow player, 18, freezes to death after night out

Lokomotiv Moscow player Aleksey Lomakin tragically froze to death after a night out in Moscow at the age of 18, it has emerged

Reuben Pinder

Lokomotiv Moscow player Aleksey Lomakin was just 18 years old

Locomotiv Moscow player Aleksey Lomakin has died at the age of 18.

Lomakin’s mother raised concerns after he did not return from a night out in Moscow city centre, according to reports.

She explained that he went to Locomotiv for medical examinations, before heading out for a night of drinking with a friend.

His mother attempted to call his phone and, according to Russian publication dni24, a taxi driver revealed he left his phone and backpack in his car.

It remains unclear what happened to Lomakin following the night out but reported to Meduza, the player froze to death.

Investigations are now underway.