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30th Jul 2015

Louis van Gaal’s first-choice defence should worry Manchester United fans

Kevin Beirne

Louis van Gaal arrived in England on the back of a surprisingly successful World Cup with the Netherlands, where he deployed a defence of three centre-backs and two wing-backs.

The Dutchman announced he had similar plans for Manchester United’s backline, and was largely heralded as an innovative genius. One year on, it seems that Van Gaal has abandoned such notions completely and reverted back to a more traditional back four.

After his side’s 2-0 defeat to PSG, the United manager talked about the need to address the Red Devils’ defensive issues, saying: “I have to start with the formation and when the formation is doing well, I let them play in that formation.

“I think I shall play Shaw with Darmian, and with Daley Blind. The right central position I have to consider.”

This means that Van Gaal apparently sees Daley Blind as his only first-choice centre-back, despite the fact he’s not really a defender. Unsurprisingly, United fans aren’t too pleased with the news…

As far as the supporters are concerned, the message is clear – you’d have to be blind to pick the Dutchman at centre-back on a daily basis.