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07th Sep 2015

Luis Suarez compares life at Barcelona to his time playing for Liverpool

"There is no jealousy"...

Simon Lloyd

Luis Suarez has opened up about his first season at Barcelona.

Speaking in an interview with La Vanguardia, the Uruguayan discussed what it was like to form part of Barca’s formidable attacking trio, explaining that the secret of their success is down to being team players.

“There is no jealousy. We are part of a team, and we don’t compete with anyone. If you had several players wanting to compete to be No. 1, it would be complicated. I’m just here to help. I don’t feel jealousy.”


Comparing his first year in Catalunya with his time at Liverpool, Suarez admits to feeling more relaxed then he did when playing in England, playing in a squad where the expectations to perform are placed on others and not just himself.

“Today, I don’t feel the same pressure I felt in other places,” the 28-year-old said. “There are other players that stand out more. Not everything depends on me, and that gives me more peace.”

“At Liverpool, without anyone asking me, I demanded myself to do things so the team would do well. But when there was a bad game, I was criticised.”

Still fondly remembered by Liverpool supporters for taking them so close to Premier League glory, it remains to be seen how his comments will go down with his former teammates.