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04th Aug 2016

One Manchester United fan got far too carried away about Luke Shaw last night

Maybe a bit much...

Rob Burnett

Luke Shaw was once one of the most exciting young players in the Premier League.

Back when he came through the ranks at Southampton he was terrorising defences with his surging runs from left back. He was so exciting, Manchester United shelled out a whopping £27m to sign him in 2014 when he was still just a teenager.

But then came THAT Champions League match with PSV, when a tackle from Hector Moreno put him out for the best part of a year.

But he was back on the pitch last night for Wayne Rooney’s testimonial – and he looked to be right back to his zesty self.

The Manchester Evening News’s Rob Dawson made Shaw his Man of the Match. According to the MEN reporter Shaw was “United’s best player in the first half and a real attacking threat with his flying runs forward.”

Runs like this:


It’s fair to say United fans thought Shaw was the highlight of an otherwise fairly uninspiring 0-0 draw with Everton, though one may have gone a *little* too far…

Fair enough.

We can all agree on that.

Again, fair enough.

Didn’t we all, Ripson. Didn’t we all.

This is actually probably true.

Ok, starting to get a little OTT now, but whatevs…

Aaaaaand you’ve gone too far.*

*And before you write in, we know she was joking. We know that because she’s from Bloemfontein and they are right jokers down that way – remember how funny Fabio Capello and the lads were down there back in 2010? Exactly.