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24th Jun 2023

Luton Town fan celebrated Premier League promotion with head tattoo after promise to late dad

Callum Boyle

‘I just knew we were going to get to the Prem in my lifetime’

A Luton Town fan has fulfilled a promise to his late dad by getting a tattoo of the club’s badge on the back of his head.

Micky Hyde, now 37, was 16 when he said to his late dad Terry that he would get the badge permanently inked if the Hatters were to ever make it to the Premier League.

Tattoo artist Trudi Woodward initially didn’t believe him until he explained the story and decided to give up two hours of her time to do the tattoo completely free of charge.

Luton Town

Inside the artwork it contains the Luton Town badge, the date Terry died and the words “RIP Dad”.

“I was 16 and me and my dad were sitting in our local pub watching Luton play in 2002,” Micky explained.

“I said to my dad ‘when Luton get to the Prem I’m getting the badge tattooed on my head’ and he said ‘I don’t think that will happen in my lifetime, son’.

“He died 10 years later at 49 from sudden death syndrome and since then we’ve just been climbing and now we’re here.

“I just knew we were going to get to the Prem in my lifetime and that’s the tattoo I wanted to get in memory of my dad.”

Now that they have reached the top flight, Micky has promised to go one further and get the same tattoo on his forehead if Luton are to win the Premier League.

“I’ve already told my fiancee that I’m getting LTFC tattooed on my forehead if we win the Prem this year.

“In my lifetime if they do win the Prem in the future I will get another tattoo but I’m not too sure it’ll be on my forehead.

“You can never say never because it’s football.”

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