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23rd Aug 2018

Manchester United commercial partnerships hit new low with Indian bank ad

Wayne Farry

This is a new low for Manchester United

Since the departure of Alex Ferguson, Manchester United’s luck has not been what one would describe as “good”. The club have made a number of poor decisions in terms of recruitment of manager and players, leading them to spend big on both, only to offload them after a number of seasons.

The Old Trafford side has faced results that would have been the stuff of fevered nightmares during the great Scot’s time at the club, and seen their city rivals Manchester City knock them off their perch.

Until now though, things had not hit rock bottom. Until, that is, the below advertisement came out.

The ad is for Indian bank ICICI Bank, and it shows a family out for dinner at what appears on the surface to be a very nice restaurant.

It purports to show a young man out for dinner, attempting to impress an older man which this writer assumes is the father of the man’s significant other.

He attempts to impress the older man with delicious food, in a bid to show that he can provide for their future family and that he has good taste.

His plan goes awry however when the man he refers to as “uncle” says he is “not impressed” with the meal he has just finished.

Gutted, the young man’s face sinks in despair, and he decides to simply pay for the meal and get this god forsaken night over and done with.

Then comes the moment, the redemption to end all further redemptions.

The young man takes out his card to pay. It is at this point that the older man notices something.

“What is that?” you can see him think. “Is that a…… Manchester United-branded bank card from the good people at ICICI Bank? Why yes it is. This kid is alright after all. He CAN marry my daughter.”

“Won’t you take my blessings,” he says,  as the camera pans towards his – yes – Manchester United socks, the clearest sign of all that someone loves the Red Devils, and the two of them dab violently while “Glory, Glory Man United” plays in the background.

It is awful and the entire world should see it. Urgh.