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25th Sep 2018

Manchester United director boasts about rating of club’s app on App Store

Wayne Farry

Finally, a good news story for Manchester United fans

Manchester United have had a difficult last few years. Since the departure of Sir Alex Ferguson in 2013, the trials and tribulations of the David Moyes and Louis van Gaal eras have taken their toll on the club’s supporters.

From aspiring to be like Manchester City to selling club favourite Rafael and replacing him with the man who somehow tricked people into believing he was a full-back, Matteo Darmian, the club has had a turbulent ride.

The appointment of Jose Mourinho was intended to change things, but in truth it really hasn’t. There remains a host of players at the club who aren’t good enough to be on the bench, never mind the first team, and things are veering wildly between extremely negative and ‘just about keeping their heads above water’.

Well, it’s time to forget all the bad stuff Red Devils, because there is finally some good news to cheer you up. You may have noticed by the six million or so recent tweets, Facebook posts and ads that Manchester United have a new official app.

This app gives supporters “exclusive” insight into the club, its players and – one would hope – a detailed breakdown into what exactly Fred the Red is and what his anatomy is made up of. We deserve to know, because he’s a monstrosity who should not be.

Despite this lack of Fred the Red canon, fans appear to be extremely happy with the new app, so much so that they given it a rating of 4.9 out of 5 on the Apple App Store.

Speaking during a conference call to shareholders by executive director Ed Woodward, managing director Richard Arnold revealed that the club’s app has the positive rating, while also stating that the club has more followers on Facebook than the NBA, NFL and NHL combined.

Does this make up for the club’s haphazard start for the season, which has left them eight points behind rivals and league leaders Liverpool with just six games played?

Yes. Yes it does.