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24th Jul 2016

Manchester United legend Ryan Giggs is a winner yet again

He can't help himself...

Simon Lloyd

42-years-young and Ryan Giggs is *still* winning stuff.

His Manchester United days are behind him now, and after a two-year stint on the sidelines with Louis van Gaal, his return to playing has already yielded success.

As we told you last week, Giggs had caught the eye as he represented Mumbai in the inaugural season of Premier Futsal – India’s new futsal league. His nutmeg in his first match of the competition was sensational, as was the way he masterfully negotiated a couple of awkward high fives in the post-match interview shown in this video.

Giggs steered his team all the way to the final, where they faced a Kochi side skippered by former Real Madrid (and Blackburn Rovers) right back Michel Salgado.

The match finished level at 1-1 following all four quarters, meaning the match would be settled by a penalty shoot-out. In the end, Mumbai were the victors with the Kochi goalkeeper missing the decisive penalty.

Even in retirement, the bloke’s a winner.


You really can’t argue with this stat….

It’s not known if Giggs will return for a second stab at the Premier Futsal but hopefully Ronaldinho will return next time. The Brazilian bagged five goals for Goa earlier in the tournament – all of which can be seen here – but had to cut his tournament short by returning to Brazil to take up a role for the Rio de Janeiro Paralympic Games.

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