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18th Feb 2016

Martin Keown slates Arsenal stars for their dressing-room snaps

Simon Lloyd

Unlike the majority of Arsenal’s current first team, Martin Keown knows what’s needed to win a league title.

Documenting an important win over Leicester City with dressing-room photographs, isn’t one of those things.

Writing in his column for The Daily Mail, Keown has condemned some of Arsene Wenger’s team for the pictures that followed their 2-1 win on Sunday.


‘As for Arsenal tweeting those pictures after beating Leicester, I haven’t got time for that,’ he writes. ‘I think I’d only take my photo with team-mates if there was a trophy involved.

‘It was telling that there no Petr Cech in that photograph – he knows what it’s like to be a winner and I’m sure there are plenty of photos of Cech in the dressing room at Chelsea but he’ll have a trophy in his hands.’