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14th Jul 2016

Plenty of Liverpool fans are glad to see the back of Martin Skrtel

'About time'

Simon Lloyd

Martin Skrtel is gone.

He’s not dead – just moved to Turkey, and in doing so brings to an end eight years at Liverpool.

Although news of his move to Fenerbahce has only just been confirmed by the Turkish club, word got round that he was in town to for his medical at the Istanbul club a couple of days ago.

Amongst Liverpool supporters, the overwhelming sentiment was probably something like this…

But it’s also fair to say that plenty were pretty chuffed to see the back of him. We’re not sure why…

This started when the Slovakian touched down in Istanbul earlier in the week – although how they were able to work he was on the brink of a move is beyond us…

With the news now confirmed by Fenerbahce, here is a sample of what some of the Liverpool support was saying.

Although many were quick to point to his loyalty, they also added that, for a defender, there was one major problem with him: he was shit at defending.

Many were treating his departure as being one of the best bits of business Jurgen Klopp had done all summer.

The phrase ‘about time’ was also a popular response.

And with Skrtel joining a couple of other Anfield departures, many also pointed to Jurgen Klopp’s shrewd transfer dealings so far.

We can’t help feeling that net spend of £7.7m may increase in the weeks to come.
